10 december 2010

Press Release - 2600 Magazine condemns Denial of Service Attacks


The assault on Wikileaks must not be overshadowed by the recent denial of service attacks and these certainly must not be allowed to be associated with the hacker community. This will play right into the hands of those who wish to paint us all as threats and clamp down on freedom of speech and impose all kinds of new restrictions on the Internet, not to mention the fact that the exact same types of attacks can be used on "us" as well as "them." (Interestingly, it was only a week ago that "hackers" were blamed for denial of service attacks on Wikileaks itself. That tactic was ineffectual then as well.) Most importantly, these attacks are turning attention away from what is going on with Wikileaks. This fight is not about a bunch of people attacking websites, yet that is what is in the headlines now. It certainly does not help Wikileaks to be associated with such immature and boorish activities any more than it helps the hacker community. From what we have been hearing over the past 24 hours, this is a viewpoint shared by a great many of us. By uniting our voices, speaking out against this sort of action, and correcting every media account we see and hear that associates hackers with these attacks, we stand a good chance of educating the public, rather than enflaming their fears and assumptions.

Het hele persbericht hier:

Zoek het lachebekje

De zon, zoals die er de komende dagen uitziet:

foto: ФИАН
На Солнце появился гигантский смайлик


Sarah Palin:
"No wonder others are keeping silent about Assange's antics. This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his sick, un-American espionage efforts."

Read more: nydailynews.com

Xia Xiaowan – Descending Soul No. 2

Xia Xiaowan, a painter in volume (interview)

Soms, dat gevoel dat je iets mist

лена Александровна @GagarinaSpace

@GagarinaSpace hasn't tweeted yet.
Ook maar volgen dan. Voor je het weet, mis je een belangrijke trend.

Operation Leakspin

Gentlemen, we have, at best, given them a black eye. The game has changed. When the game changes, so too must out strategies. Operation: Leakspin. Begin searching through WikiLeaks. Find only the best, least exposed leaks you can get your hands on. Post summaries of them, along with the complete source. Encourage the reader to read more. Make one-to-two minute YouTube videos reading the leaks. Use misleading tags, everything from 'Tea Party'  to 'Bieber'. Post snippets of the leaks EVERYWHERE. News comments, fan forums, etc. They don't fear the LOIC. They fear exposure. The fun begins, at 9:00 P.M. EST. ROFLBOT
En ineens doet bovenstaande afbeelding de ronde. Als bron wordt door veel sites Boing Boing genoemd, en op die site zelf staat over de vindplaats van de afbeelding het volgende:

If this image is to be believed—and I have no reason not to, other than that I found it on the internet—the rebel squadrons behind Anonymous (attn. "news" hacks - that would be an entirely different group from Wikileaks and/or Wikipedia) are about to change their approach.

Anatomy of a Subway Hack

Anatomy of a Subway Hack (pdf)

WikiLeaks: een samenvatting op z'n Chinees