11 januari 2007

Computer Stupidities

Leuke site voor nerds, gesprekken tussen onervaren computergebruikers en helpdeskpersoneel, met dit soort dialogen (of monologen):

* Customer: "My mouse doesn't work any more."
* Tech Support: "Is it an optical or ball mouse?"
* Customer: "Huh?"
* Tech Support: "Does it have a ball or light?"
* Customer: "It has an light on top."
* Tech Support: "On top?"
* Customer: "Yeah. It was underneath before, but it looks better when it's on top."
* Tech Support: "Ok, try turning it around so the light points down on the desk."
* Customer: "Oh! It works!"


Customer: "The Internet is running too slow. Could you reboot it please?"


* Customer: "I have a message on my screen that says: 'Disk Full'. What can that be?"
* Tech Support: "Maybe your disk is full."
* Customer: "Hmmm. OK."


* Tech Support: "Tell me, is the cursor still there?"
* Customer: "No, I'm alone right now."


Customer: "How much does it cost to have the Internet installed?"

* Tech Support: "Now click on 'OK'."

[sounds of furious clicking and typing]

* Tech Support: "Hello?"
* Customer: "Hold on a second."


Computer Stupidities

Gesluierde huisnummerbordjes

In sommige straten in Arnhem zie je dit soort huisnummerbordjes. Ik vraag me af waarom dit zo vervreemdend op me overkomt.