06 mei 2010

Duivelandsestraat/Houtrustweg (Duindorp)

De lucht op 6 mei 2010

Blauwzweem (2)

Jewish cemetery, Moscowa, Arnhem, Netherlands
Joodse begraafplaats, Arnhem

Op de fiets

Foto genomen in het Spijkerkwartier, 4 mei 2010

Jane Evelyn Atwood: Blind Twins

Jane Evelyn Atwood: Blind TwinsJane Evelyn Atwood

ia looking for a new date

Onderwerp: My name is Lyudmila
Afzender: Jerry Latham <audrey-dorsett@doh.state.fl.us>

Hello. My name is Lyudmila. You must be surprised that i am writing you but ia looking for a new date. I am interesting to write a new people from another countrys. It is so interesting to know how peopeles living there. Buy the way i am living in russia, in "third" capital, The Kazan city.

So if you interesting to acquaintance with me please answer on my personal email: chlyudmila@HotPOP.com

New friend from Russia... Lyudmila

doh.state.fl.us → Florida Department of Health