02 december 2013

The Klaus Schreiber Method

The Klaus Schreiber Method

One of the most important and interesting techniques for making Video ITC recordings was pioneered by Klaus Schreiber in the 1980s. Schreiber's method involves recording from a video camera that is pointed at a TV or video monitor which itself displays the output from the video camera. This sets up a feedback loop between the camera and TV which, when the camera is correctly adjusted for zoom and focus, results in strange visual displays.

The effect generally sought is one where swirling clouds appear. Best results are obtained when the camera is focussed just beyond the TV screen (i.e., the image is slightly out of focus). Somewhat different results are obtained depending on the distance between the camera and the screen (which may be from a few inches to a few feet).


Fred L. Aeilts - Scientology Service Completions

Fred L. Aeilts in Scientology's Published Service Completion Lists

The following 13 individual completions for Fred L. Aeilts appear in official Scientology publications:
Fred AeiltsMINISTERS COURSEGateway 1591981-02-01
Fred AeiltsMETHOD 1 CO-AUDIT COURSEGateway 1601981-03-01
Fred AeiltsMETHOD 1 WORD CLEARINGGateway 1601981-03-01
Fred AeiltsEXPANDED ARC STRAIGHTWIREGateway 1801982-11-01
Fred AeiltsEXPANDED GRADE 0Gateway 1841983-03-01
Fred AeiltsTRAINING COMPLETIONS - GRADUATES [no specific service names given]Gateway 1851983-04-01
Fred AeiltsE-METER DRILLS COURSEAuditor 2091987-01-01
Fred AeiltsCLASS VI AUDITORAuditor 2211988-10-01
Fred AeiltsNED INTERNSHIPAuditor 2261989-07-01
Fred AeiltsLEVEL FAuditor 2281989-10-01
Fred AeiltsCCRDAuditor 2341990-04-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.

Fred L. Aeilts in Scientology's Publications

The following 2 mentions of Fred L. Aeilts appear in official Scientology publications:
Fred L. AeiltsHonor Roll of the IASImpact 1022002-12-01
Fred L. AeiltsHonor RollImpact 1142006-09-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.

Via: The Truth About Scientology

Zie ook: The Physics of Ghost Orbs, F. Lee Aeilts


Tremor. Photo: Robert van der Kroft


(Weet wat je doet.)