Gisteravond gaf het Australische gezelschap Circa een show in de Schouwburg Arnhem. Ons oordeel: vijf sterren. Geweldige dansprestaties , geweldige belichting, geweldige muziek – zo goed zelfs dat ze die direct als compilatie op de markt zouden kunnen brengen met de titel Music from The Space Between.
Een impressie van de show is hier te vinden (wmv-filmpje).
Van de site van Circa:
The Space Between is an intimate contemporary circus production that uses deconstructed circus languages to illuminate the hidden spaces between and within people.
For the past five years Circa has been researching new pathways through contemporary circus.
In its attempt to discover if there could be a serious and satisfying nexus between circus and contemporary arts practice, Circa explored a range of techniques, theoretical models and performance conventions. These included improvisation, multi-media, cross art-form collaborations, the development of an entirely new set of performance language and a coherent training system. These inquires have produced a number of shows of varying quality. With The Space Between, Circa has delivered a concentrated and tremendously powerful distillation of its post-circus vision.