04 augustus 2016

Instamatic 133X

Sint Antonis, August 2016. Photo by Robert van der Kroft, Kodak Instamatic 133X,Kodacolor Gold 200
Stampt, August 2016. Photo by Robert van der Kroft, Kodak Instamatic 133X,Kodacolor Gold 200
Overasselt, August 2016. Photo by Robert van der Kroft, Kodak Instamatic 133X,Kodacolor Gold 200
Yet another Instamatic / 126 post. When I bought this camera, there was still a cassette inside with some 7 shots exposed. I processed the film in regular Tetenal Colortec C-41 homebrew. Only one of those turned out OK, colourwise that is; the scene itself is not very inspiring. The remaining shots have a significant colour shift. Who needs Lomochrome Purple? (Ignore that, Purple is still on my wish list.)

Shots 1, 2 and 3 taken in Sint Antonis, Stampt and Overasselt, Netherlands, August 2016. As for number 4, there is no way of telling when, where or why this was taken.
Location unknown, photographer unknown. Kodak Instamatic 133X,Kodacolor Gold 200

Kodak Instamatic 133 Camera (Camerapedia)
126 film (Camerapedia)

Lourdes Grotto Replica, Zieuwent - Sony Mavica Floppy Disk Digital Camera

Lourdes Grotto replica, Zieuwent (NL), photo by Robert van der Kroft, Sony Mavica Floppy Disk Digital Camera
Location found via lourdesgrotten.nl