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Gallery VU verwoordt het werk van fotograaf Jeffrey Silverthorne als volgt:
Jeffrey Silverthorne explores the question of sex and death, as well as the notions of boundary and transgression. Active since the end of the 60’s, he has been accumulating series on extreme subjects: a slaughter house, a morgue, brothels or a community of transvestites and transexuals.
His works are not out of voyeurism. Rather, Silverthorne seeks a way to further expose himself, to become more vulnerable so as to dive deeper into his own psychology, once stating, "I make images to remember, not the purpose, but my own feelings and reactions." Hence his lack of interest for an objective photography that would translate nothing of the intensity of the experience and, on the contrary, his liking for subjective documentaries and structured images shaped as plastic experiments and stage productions.
Mensen die het werk van
Jože Tisnikar kennen, zullen de insteek herkennen: hier is geen sprake van goedkope exploitatie of effectbejag. De kernwoorden zijn ervaring, verwerking, compassie. De wetenschap dat we allemaal in dezelfde schuit zitten.