15 december 2010

iPhone-apps: WakeUpNow

WakeUpNow is een reiswekkertje in de waarste zin van het woord: het maakt je wakker als je je bestemming hebt bereikt. De app is een crime om in te stellen en door de continue gps-updates is je iPhone in no time leeg, maar het Engels in de interface is zo, nou ja, eigenaardig, dat het bijna Messiaans poëtisch wordt: Save the Completed. You are here to save.

iPhone may not be able to locate exactly in shaded aresStored information does not existYou are here to saveSave the Completed
Take it easy from now on....!

Still asleep in the morning, extra spare time at lunch, tired night, we always have to move a step forward to somewhere.
You probably have experienced of passing your destination because of your heavy eyelids from long day, right?
What about when you were listening to music or reading book on the public transportation?

You barely got off at your destination couple times.
"WakeUpNow" App is the best solution someone like you.

"WakeUpNow" App is not used by a simple carried base station location.
It is mounted the finest technologies for iPhone 3GS, such as GPS, 3G, WIFI. So that it will search your destination location and provide you a more accurate alarm system.
Now, you can relax and take break on any public transportation.
