22 augustus 2016

Pinhole try-out, colour film

Dolmen, Noord-Sleen (NL), photo by Robert van der Kroft
Dolmen, Noord-Sleen (NL), photo by Robert van der Kroft
The two shots above were taken in Noord-Sleen. And here's yet another sunflower (Landfort, Megchelen):
Sunflower, Landfort, Megchelen (NL), photo by Robert van der Kroft
RealitySoSubtle 6x6 with Kodak Portra 160.

Lourdes Grotto Replica, Luttenberg

Lourdes Grotto Replica, Luttenberg (NL), photo by Robert van der Kroft
I tried to use the Sony Mavica 3.5" Floppy Disk Camera to take this shot but somehow all the results turned out cr*ppy. Since I wanted to have a good shot, I resorted to borrowing the Nikon Coolpix S9900 from the lady you see in the picture. The one in jeans.

Location found via lourdesgrotten.nl

De Lourdesgrot, betonnen bindmiddel sinds 1915 (Parel van Salland, nieuws uit Luttenberg)

(Image linked from here)