06 oktober 2006

Silicon Valley Tarot

Op www.svtarot.com vind je Silicon Valley Tarot, een tarotset voor de nerdy mens.
What will happen to me? My program? My career? The Silicon Valley Tarot knows. Onder aan de startpagina: Cheaper than a consultant. Same result.

Als je klikt op Your Fortune Online kun je een vraag stellen en de kaarten geven een antwoord. Mijn vraag (in de categorie My job or contract) was Should I go home early this Friday afternoon?

De drie kaarten die ik trok waren

New Hire of Disks

Silicon Valley software companies prize creative and lateral thinking in their employees. The New Hire demonstrates these qualities as he ponders what he might buy when his stock options vest: "a Porsche? Uh, no... how about a Porsche? Or maybe a Porsche?" Apprenticeship, journeyman effort.Incompetence, inconsistency.

Salesman of Networks (gedraaid)

Recursive hype. Target practice for resentful technical staff.

The Sysadmin

Looks like you've been working way too hard for your own good. Do you even know where to draw the line any more?

Your query is Should I go home early this Friday afternoon?, in the context of My Job or Contract.
You drew the cards New Hire of Disks, Salesman of Networks (reversed), and The Sysadmin. Your aggregate reading is:

Balance. A cusp. Daring and fortitude may carry the day, yet foolhardiness will be punished. Explore the net for further options.


Mijn interpretatie: ik blijf nog maar even op kantoor, beetje surfen en zo.

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