23 augustus 2016


The other day I landed a charming little Agfa Box 54 and my first roll of film yielded some nice shots. Here's one on Flickr, check it out. The lens is a bit moldy but I decided to leave that for now.

I quickly popped in a second roll and somehow forgot these boxes – and films in general – need a bit more attention than modern-day cameras. For instance, if you carry the camera around in a bag, the shutter setting lever may move, meaning the shutter may remain open after release:
You mustn't forget to turn the winder knob after each exposure:
If you aren't sure the exposed film is fully wound up onto the take-up spool, do not open the box:
Using the viewfinder on a bright sunny day may be tricky, especially if you already need reading glasses on a daily basis:
And: When you develop the film in caffenol, be sure to generously stir the solution so there won't be any blobs on the negative.
Box Camera 101