08 september 2013

Magna Mater Goddess... Great Mother Goddess „Божицата Голема Мајка“

MACE means - woman, mother in all Indo-European languages
DON - DION(A) in Indo-European language means God, Goddess
MACEDONIA is a land of the Great Mother Goddess (Magna Mater), Mother Earth, Goddess of Fertility, Birth Mother, Gaia.
The cult of the Great Mother is probably the oldest of all religions.The earliest Neolithic sculptures of the Great Mother (Magna Mater) dates from between 6500-3500 BC. It is a time of matriarchate in cultures of the Mediterranean, but also to the East, and is associated with the principle of fertility, birth and creation. In time, the Great Mother would become the major link for inter-relating the spirit of the Neolithic man in Macedonia and left deep traces in the culture of this land. Today we are witnessing a strong mark that left matriarchate on indigenous cultures and beliefs, which are preserved in the name of Macedonia.

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