07 september 2013

Programmed Data Processor-1

Programmed Data Processor-1
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

This is the marketing brochure for the DEC PDP-1. Announced in 1960, Digital Equipment Corporation's (DEC) PDP-1 marked a radical shift in the philosophy of computer design: it was the first commercial computer that focused on interaction with the human user rather than the efficient use of computer cycles. Basing his designs on MIT's Lincoln Laboratory TX-0 and TX-2 computers, Ben Gurley designed the 18-bit machine in under three–and–a–half months. DEC produced only 50 of these machines. It also had an optional high-resolution graphical display that MIT students used to play Spacewar!, the first interactive computer video game.

(PDP-1 Restoration Program - Computer History Museum)

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