13 april 2023

“Mount Repose”, Natchez, Miss.

Antieke ansichtkaart Mount Repose, Natchez, Miss.
Built in 1824. A perfect example of an early plantation house. The house and lands are still in the possession of the descendants of the original owners, John Bisland, who was granted the land by the Spanish Crown in 1782, and his son William, who built the house. Wm. Bisland, an ardent admirer of Henry Clay, planted in 1824, an avenue of live oaks in front of Mt. Repose which was to be opened when Clay was elected President. As Clay three times met defeat, the avenue was never used.
Beschrijving op achterkant van ansichtkaart Mount Repose, Natchez, Miss.
Fraaie oude kaart van Mickey uit de VS via Postcrossing. De afzender heeft ’m in een antiekwinkel gevonden en weet niet hoe oud de kaart is, maar it finally gets to be mailed. Mooi.

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