18 december 2013

Sorcerers’ passport

A “sorcerers’ passport,” offering safe passage to vodou initiates, obtained by Albert Métraux during his anthropological field work in Haiti in the 1940s. Kate Ramsey notes that the Haitian secret societies that issue these passports are linked to vodou and still form an active alternative (“nighttime”) system for delivering law and justice to their adherents.

Read more: The Trial That Gave Vodou A Bad Name

Serious abseilen

17 december 2013

Native dignity

Melbourne. Printed for the Proprietor by DeGruchy & Leigh, 43, Elizabeth St.

PRIMARY ARTIST: S.T. Gill (1818–1880)
TITLE: Native dignity.
TECHNIQUE: lithograph, printed in black ink, from one stone

05 december 2013

Boltzmann brain

The Boltzmann brains concept arises from the need to explain why we observe such a large degree of organization in the universe. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy in a closed universe will never decrease. We may think of the most likely state of the universe as one of high entropy, closer to uniform and without order. So why is the observed entropy so low?

Boltzmann proposed that we and our observed low-entropy world are a random fluctuation in a higher-entropy universe. Even in a near-equilibrium state, there will be stochastic fluctuations in the level of entropy. The most common fluctuations will be relatively small, resulting in only small amounts of organization, while larger fluctuations and their resulting greater levels of organization will be comparatively more rare. Large fluctuations would be almost inconceivably rare, but are made possible by the enormous size of the universe and by the idea that if we are the results of a fluctuation, there is a "selection bias": we observe this very unlikely universe because the unlikely conditions are necessary for us to be here, an expression of the anthropic principle.

The Boltzmann brain paradox is that any observers (self-aware brains with memories like we have, which includes our brains) are therefore far more likely to be Boltzmann brains than evolved brains, thereby at the same time also refuting the selection-bias argument. If our current level of organization, having many self-aware entities, is a result of a random fluctuation, it is much less likely than a level of organization which only creates stand-alone self-aware entities. For every universe with the level of organization we see, there should be an enormous number of lone Boltzmann brains floating around in unorganized environments. In an infinite universe, the number of self-aware brains that spontaneously randomly form out of the chaos, complete with false memories of a life like ours, should vastly outnumber the real brains evolved from an inconceivably rare local fluctuation the size of the observable universe.

The usual counter-argument is that natural selection is capable of generating outcomes which are a priori extremely improbable (as demonstrated by the weasel program). The level of organization in ourselves, and in the biosphere around us, was not generated by a single random fluctuation, but by a process of evolution by natural selection acting across billions of years. This evolutionary process does not violate the second law of thermodynamics, since the biosphere is not a thermodynamically closed system (it receives energy from the Sun and loses energy to space).

(Bron: Wikipedia)


Photographer Greg Kessler captures the transformations of Paris Fashion Week (Spring 2011-2012). Here is model Iris Egbers before (left) and after (right), transformed.

Model Morphosis: Must.Stop.Transforming.

02 december 2013

The Klaus Schreiber Method

The Klaus Schreiber Method

One of the most important and interesting techniques for making Video ITC recordings was pioneered by Klaus Schreiber in the 1980s. Schreiber's method involves recording from a video camera that is pointed at a TV or video monitor which itself displays the output from the video camera. This sets up a feedback loop between the camera and TV which, when the camera is correctly adjusted for zoom and focus, results in strange visual displays.

The effect generally sought is one where swirling clouds appear. Best results are obtained when the camera is focussed just beyond the TV screen (i.e., the image is slightly out of focus). Somewhat different results are obtained depending on the distance between the camera and the screen (which may be from a few inches to a few feet).


Fred L. Aeilts - Scientology Service Completions

Fred L. Aeilts in Scientology's Published Service Completion Lists

The following 13 individual completions for Fred L. Aeilts appear in official Scientology publications:
Fred AeiltsMINISTERS COURSEGateway 1591981-02-01
Fred AeiltsMETHOD 1 CO-AUDIT COURSEGateway 1601981-03-01
Fred AeiltsMETHOD 1 WORD CLEARINGGateway 1601981-03-01
Fred AeiltsEXPANDED ARC STRAIGHTWIREGateway 1801982-11-01
Fred AeiltsEXPANDED GRADE 0Gateway 1841983-03-01
Fred AeiltsTRAINING COMPLETIONS - GRADUATES [no specific service names given]Gateway 1851983-04-01
Fred AeiltsE-METER DRILLS COURSEAuditor 2091987-01-01
Fred AeiltsCLASS VI AUDITORAuditor 2211988-10-01
Fred AeiltsNED INTERNSHIPAuditor 2261989-07-01
Fred AeiltsLEVEL FAuditor 2281989-10-01
Fred AeiltsCCRDAuditor 2341990-04-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.

Fred L. Aeilts in Scientology's Publications

The following 2 mentions of Fred L. Aeilts appear in official Scientology publications:
Fred L. AeiltsHonor Roll of the IASImpact 1022002-12-01
Fred L. AeiltsHonor RollImpact 1142006-09-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.

Via: The Truth About Scientology

Zie ook: The Physics of Ghost Orbs, F. Lee Aeilts


Tremor. Photo: Robert van der Kroft


(Weet wat je doet.)

29 november 2013

Mohammed & Ali

"This 17th-century mural on the Iman Zahdah Chah Zaid Mosque in Isfahan, Iran is identified by various sources as depicting either the assassination of Ali (Mohammed's cousin) in 661 A.D., or Ali receiving a blow at the Battle of the Camel five years earlier in 656 A.D. Either way, it seems that the veiled figure holding up the wounded Ali is Mohammed himself, or at least his spirit. His facial features are clearly visible beneath the veil."

(Via Mohammed Image Archive)

26 november 2013

Number 1 Rabbit Proof Fence

Number 1 Rabbit Proof Fence

"Construction of the Number 1 Rabbit Proof Fence began in 1901. It stretched 1834 kilometres from the south coast to the northwest coast, along a line north of Burracoppon, 230 kilometres east of Perth. Unfortunately by 1902 rabbits had already been found west of the fence line."

Via: The Rabbit Proof Fence (Western Perspectives on a Nation, Library and Information Service of Western Australia)

Diana Rigg as Mrs Emma Peel, The Avengers, April 1965

21 november 2013

Onsamehangend en stompsinnig

Oormatige gebruik van SMS-taal programmeer die intellek vir die uiterste afkorting van
gedagtegange sonder die hegwerk van grammatika. In so ’n mate dat jy nie meer weet wat is
taalmatig nodig om ’n gedagte of ’n argument in logies opeenvolgende volsinne of
stellings uit te druk nie. Jy raap hier en skraap daar en kom só oor as onsamehangend en stompsinnig.



ISSN 1995-5928
Die artikel sal binnekort in PDF-formaat beskikbaar wees.

15 november 2013

Montage of Cottingley Fairies and illustrations from Princess Mary's Gift Book

Montage of Cottingley Fairies and illustrations from Princess Mary's Gift Book (Wikipedia)

Dear Miss Elsie Wright

June 30
Dear Miss Elsie Wright

I have seen the wonderful pictures of the fairies which you and your cousin Frances have taken, and I have not been so interested for a long time. I will send you tomorrow one of my little books for I am sure you are not too old to enjoy adventures. I am going to Australia soon, but I only wish before I go that I could get to Bradford and have half an hours chat with you, for I should like to hear all about it. With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Arthur Conan Doyle

Mr Gardner told me about it.


14 november 2013

Hourglass Nebula

Hourglass Nebula

Cardboard fairies

"The Cottingley Fairies appear in a series of five photographs taken by Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths. Elsie borrowed her father’s camera and took pictures of what seemed to be fairies. At the time some people weren’t sure whether the photographs were real or not. Many years later, the girls confessed to drawing the fairies on cardboard and placing them in the landscape with pins."

(National Media Museum, Bradford, UK)

Infinite vibrations

"We see objects within the limits which make up our colour spectrum, with infinite vibrations, unused by us, on either side of them. If we could conceive a race of beings which were constructed in material which threw out shorter or longer vibrations, they would be invisible unless we could tune ourselves up or tone them down. It is exactly that power of tuning up and adapting itself to other vibrations which constitutes a clairvoyant, and there is nothing scientifically impossible, so far as I can see, in some people seeing that which is invisible to others. If the objects are indeed there, and if the inventive power of the human brain is turned upon the problem, it is likely that some sort of psychic spectacles, inconceivable to us at the moment, will be invented, and that we shall all be able to adapt ourselves to the new conditions. If high-tension electricity can be converted by a mechanical contrivance into a lower tension, keyed to other uses, then it is hard to see why something analogous might not occur with the vibrations of ether and the waves of light."

Uit: The Coming of the Fairies, Arthur Conan Doyle

The second of the five Cottingley Fairies photographs, showing Elsie with a winged gnome, picture from the front cover of The Coming of the Fairies by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Zie ook hier.

09 november 2013

Stranger than strange

September 11, 1952 - Flatwoods, WV - Stranger than strange...

Probably the most scrambled, irritatingly strange story ever, the Flatwoods Monster/Alien/UFO/Meteor/ remains one of those inexplicable tales touting many witnesses and just as many versions of what was seen and heard. As best as can be determined, a Meteor (confirmed by the research of Major Donald Keyhoe) passed along a trajectory placing it roughly in the West Virginia mountains approximately 7pm on Sept. 11th, 1952. Residents of Flatwoods reported seeing strange lights in the skies that did not fit any description of a meteor and its known flight patterns. But here's where it gets really weird. A group of kids witnessed a fiery red ball zip across the sky and impact just beyond Bailey Fisher farm. Mrs. Kathleen May took a flash light to help the kids as they made their way into the dark woods to see where the fireball landed. With her were her two teenaged sons, Eddie and Freddie, Neil Nunley, Gene Lemon (the oldest among them, at 17), Tommy Hyer and Ronnie Shaver with his dog. The group saw a pulsing red light just beyond a hilltop and when they approached encountered some kind of being with a cornucopia of peculiar features: It was eight feet tall, had glowing red eyes, a strange drape-like clothing, claws, an enormous round, red head covered by some kind of pointed hood, was surrounded by a foul smelling mist and was making frightening hissing sounds as it approached the boys, scaring them all to death and sending them fleeing into the night.
